Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 1, 2017

Book review: Clear Seeing Place: Studio Visits by Brian Rutenberg

Ever wondered what the artist is feeling and thinking as he creates the art?

I loved the style of Brian Rutenberg writing. It reminded me of the writing style one of my favorite authors, John Irving, where simple thoughts are expressed so well (and would I say beautifully) that I want to read it slowly so I soak in every sentence.   My only disappointment with the book is that it did not include more of Brian's art, and that a few paintings that were included were in black and white. After a few chapters I went to visit his YouTube videos and it really added to my enjoyment of the book because I could picture what he is talking about.

If you ever wondered what the artist is feeling and thinking as he creates the art this book lets you understand the process of at least one artist. Turns out Brian does not think when he paints.  It is not something I ever imagined to be the case but I understood why this is so after reading the book.

I really enjoyed reading the description of his visit to the Jackson Pollock studio. It was interesting to read what was important to him and what he looked for in the studio. Only another artist would have expected what caught his attention.  I also enjoyed his thoughts and process on creating original works. Limiting your perspective may sound counter intuitive but again it began making sense after reading his thoughts about it.

This book lets me get into the head of an artist. It surprises me. It entertained me.  It educated me.  It made me want to read it slowly so I can enjoy it longer. 

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

Ali Julia review ★★★★★

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